HOPE チャンネル


音声配信をしています。代表水野のもう一人のKellyというクリエイターの持つ美しい声であなたの心を癒します。2023年のテーマは「ご機嫌になる為のレッスン」としてヘルスケア・サイエンス、健康経営を促進する最先端テクノロジーを「思考」と「行動」の具体的なヒントと技術をご紹介しています。 感性(5感)を削ぎ澄まし、すべての人に強い輝きとエネルギーを!人を動かす考働365  Innovation and Creative, to vision happen with company and each people. 

音声配信をしています⇒ https://stand.fm/episodes/63bce608f8bd47f4fd127548



当社は御社のVision, Mission, Valuesに合わせた経営人事制度の構築・運営・再度見直し、調整を対話を通して、御社のありたい姿に近づける制度の構築、ワークショップ、講演、トレーニングをサポートいたしております。 当社のコンサルティングのスタイルはシンプルです。問診~処方~診断と3つのプロセスで最適化を目指します。


お氣軽るにご相談ください。 info@keishogrm.com 









If you wish to be happy and succeed, you must bear in mind two things:
Speediness and Commitment to achieving your goals (single-minded )In short, your success in business lies in
"repeated achievements". You set a target and achieve it.
That's all.

SPACES社の凡事徹底   心を豊かにする <心を磨く> 

当たり前のこと 「日常五心」

What is the ordinary things?
Now that it has become a time for great reset, "transparency" is required
regardless of who it is. We are alive and having alive in various values.

"Five hearts for everyday" are written as a honest heart to say "yes", a remorseful heart of excuse, a humble heart of thanks, a heart of service that I will do and a heart of gratitude that I thank you.

This "Five hearts for everyday" consists of three secrets and three karma. Three secrets mean our body, mouth and words, and when our body, words and mind work in a well-balanced manner and the power of Buddha is added, it becomes a three secrets.

On the other hand, the three karma is the state when our body, words and mind become unbalanced and we do something unreasonable. It seems that there is a rudimentary conduct in "Five hearts for everyday" that should change the three karma into three secrets.

What is "Five hearts for everyday"? 「五心」とは

First "Honest heart to say yes"   一、「ハイといえる素直な心」

One word of "Hai"("Yes"), can you respond honestly to say "Hai"("Yes") to anyone's call? There was a child who asked her mother, "Why doesn't
that man reply?", to an adult who stood up without answering when his
name was called at the reception desk of the hospital.


It's a little tricky, but I think that "Hai", "Yes" in Japanese is linkedto the
word "Hai", "worship" in Japanese to worshiping Buddha. Let's reply "Hai" with honest feelings when worshiping. I think it's the voice of Buddha, and I want to be a person who can respond comfortably with "Hai".


Second "Remorseful heart of excuse"  


The teaching of Kobo Daishi says, "There are people who can look back on themselves and those who mischievously resent others. The level of education, high or low, appears there." I forgot who told the story, but I heard that the Japanese word "I'm sorry" has a deep meaning and is filled with the idea that "I'm not finished with this, I'll definitely make up for it." In other words, to reflect is to make up for it. It is only when you put your heart and soul into your atonement, not just your mouth. I think it is an act that we must never forget as a person. Keep in mind and use it as "not clear".


Third "Humble heart of thanks"  三、「おかげさまという謙虚な心」

The teaching of Kobo Daishi Kukai says, "To see all sentiment beings, it's like seeing myself and four graces." The four graces are the grace of parents, the grace of the country, the grace of sentient beings and the grace of three treasures. In other words, we are made alive only if we have the correct teaching and guidance, such as the life given by the blood relations of our ancestors, the space that supports that life and the life that supports each other. Our existence owes to "four graces". It means to think that all living things are ourselves. It's easy to say "I am, I do", but let's deepen the spirit of sharing and cultivate the humble spirit of "Thanks to you.".

 弘法大師空海の教えに「一切衆生を観るに、なおしこしんおよび四恩の如し」とあります。四恩とは、父母の恩、国の恩、衆生の恩、三宝の恩です。つまり、ご先祖からの血縁により与えられたいのち、次にそのいのちを支える空間、そしてお互いに支え合ういのちと、正しい教え導きがあってこそ私たちは生かされているということです。自分自身がほかならぬ「四恩」のたまものです。生きとし生けるものすべてが我が身であると思いなさいということです。 「ぼくが、私が」とついつい口に出がちですが、分かちあいの心、つくしあう心を深めて「おかげさま」という謙虚な心を養いましょう。

Forth "A heart of service that I will do"  


We work because we need to live. If the movement stops, it means death. Therefore, it is a Kanji character that means working by moving with a Nin-ben (means person). In addition, work can be divided into surroundings and easy. Making the surroundings easier, that is, the surroundings are wonderful because it makes the surroundings easier.
In Buddhism, there is the term self-interest is others' interest, and it is said that "Self-interest benefits others. It is also my own interest to benefit others." Thinking this way, what can I do for the people around me? Let's foster a heart of service that "I will do".


Fifth "A heart of gratitude that I thank you"


It is a feeling of gratitude for everything that is made alive at the same time, from the people and events around us to the natural environment surrounding us. Also, I am grateful to my ancestors and everything related to them, going back in time. How rich you can live by spending your days with a heart of "Thank you". Those who say "thank you" and those who are said "thank you" will be filled with gratitude and feel calm.
This "thank you" will be cultivated by noticing the gratitude of being alive or being made alive.

 So far, I have talked about each of the "five hearts of every day." These five words are the words that everyone usually uses. We would like to be aware of the deep meanings contained in it, improve the balance of our body, words and mind, and live in thankful relationship with Buddha.これまで五つの心「日常五心」についてそれぞれお話ししました。この五つの言葉は、普段から誰もがつかっている言葉です。その中に含められた深い意味に気づき、体・言葉・心のバランスをよくして仏様と縁を繋いで生活したいものです。

Keisho.Global Resource Management 株式会社  
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