Moving forward 


Global partner



Happiness expresses itself.
Like a humming bird, it flies freely
and make others happy.
That is the true happiness.  Our "true self" is full of deep mysteries, and we have to solve these mysteries throughout our life.

With love and thanks from the bottom of my heart...


* Note: We make the translation as plain and understandable as possible for everyone, including people from different countries whose native language is not Japanese.*ご了承: 日本語を母国語としてもたない、多国籍の方にも通じる、丁寧でわかりやすい翻訳をめざしております。


Keiko Mizuno 水野敬子

CEO 代表取締役


I have a dream.
I don't mind even if people say that I am aiming too high.  I would like to be happy with everybody I am involved... This is my dream
Therefore, I have to be healthy, to begin with. And, I would to value kindness and consideration at all times. 
We say In Japanese "Ogataisama", which refers to reciprocity between you and me.
"All of us face difficulties that are sometimes too much for us to handle alone. When this happens we ask others for help. People who lent others a helping hand will also face difficulties at different times. Then they will ask others for help.
This time, you are in need of help and I have given you a hand. But, who can guarantee that nothing will happen to me and this situation is not reversed. Therefore, there is no need for you to feel embarrassed and obliged. That's what friends are for."   The word "Otagaisama" means that we (you and me) both are in the same position and condition and the thanks is mutual.
When you are told, "thank you", "you are cute", "it's too much", etc, by others, you may add the word "Otagaisama" to show the same feeling to others in appreciation.
I hope that all of you take care of yourself and consider others at this time of uncertainty.
Since I was a child, I following the teaching of my mother:
1. Everything is perishable, so behave and keep relations with the surroundings.
2. Work for you and for others.
3. Thank the blessings of nature
And, I have continued to abide by it faithfully all my life till today.
If we realize that we live and are kept alive at the same time, you will be much more kind not only to nature, but also to people and surroundings around you. We use the words "Arigato" and "Okagesama" to express such a feeling.
We are kept alive with the support of many people and the blessings of nature.
We fail to appreciate what is taken for granted in a modern affluent society, but we live in a society in which we are mutually dependent on each other.
Therefore, when we serve others and behave with gratitude, we express our feelings such as "rigatou" and "Okagesama" in a specific action and live with a heart full of gratitude and joy.
Yes, now is the time that we are tested for our health management and strength of mind.
I hope all of you stay safe. 

Science Partner/ Consultant / Professional Coach, SPACES, INC. Chief strategic Producer, Global Human Resources Management Evaluator and Lecturer, the Sanno Institute of Management, A.S.K. 

Achieved the excellent result as the manager of each administrative division such as accounting, general affairs, human resources and human resource development in the field of strategic human resource management, M&A and overseas business development at foreign-affiliated chemical, medical and pharmaceutical companies. She established her own company in order to nurse her mother in 2003. 

After establishing her own company, she contributed to the human resource development of the global leading companies such as "the top medical manufacturers", "the No. 1 software manufacturer in the world", "the largest mega-bank on the globe". Currently, offering training and lectures of more than 200 per year both at home and abroad. In spite of such results, she keenly feels the necessity of self-education and still participates various seminars and lectures around the world at least once a year in order to acquire the qualification related to the human resource development. She is a strategic person who focuses on modestly "learning" and "polishing" herself. 

 Global business, Inter-cultural communication, Business skills (Diversity, Leadership, Professional Management, Motivation, Teambuilding, Stress Management, Creative thinking, Evaluate, Mentoring) , Human development (Communication, Coaching, Leadership, Proactive mind development, Motivation development, Strategy Produce Human innovation , Vision creation, Trainer training), Management consulting, MEDICAL DETOX etc. Business System and Activity : Professional Management (WEB-learning, Text), Global Human Capital System( Evaluate, Recruit, Development, Retention ) Stress Management System, 360 feedback system, Sales Force System(ASP, ERP, SaaS, SAP), Company Strategic Organizational Facilitator, Global Human Resource Facilitator, Moderator of the same company Business communication issues, Competency, MACH(Microsoft Academy College Hired ), Evaluator System , In-company educational training, Lecturer, Business consultation, Executive coaching, Educational material development, i-communicaiotn etc.

Scientific, Partner SPACES, INC. USA SPACES,INC. 心理学者・Human Science Consultant / Professional Coach, MEDICAL DETOX

 ○主な講演テーマ: 成功する人財獲得面談とは、成功する採用の鍵、プロフェッショナル・マネジメント(凡事徹底研修)、キャリア・マネジメント、製薬業界におけるプロフェッショナ ル・マネジメント、組織活性化のためのプロフェッショナル・レディース育成、多様化マネジメント、プロフェッショナル・マネジメント育成、部下を活かす洞察力と指導力、グローバル 人財を洞察し働きかけるインパクト3つの法則"使える対話法"、D&I活性化、グローバルにおけるCSRとは(社会貢献への働きかけ)、カウンセリングスキルを高めビジネスも人生 も豊かにするカウンセラーメンタリングセッション、歩き方、立ち方、話し方研修、瑛語塾(短期間でTOEICを250点あげる)、心理学、脳科学的要素で人を動かす実践リーダーシッ プマネジメント、異文化コミュニケーション、モチベーションマネジメント,人間力教育、Medical Detoxメッソド ○主な研修内容:プロフェッショナル・マネジメント(組織・自己変革プログラム)、戦略的実践リーダーシップ (人間力強化プログラム) 360度評価とリーダーシップマネジメント (人間力向上プログラム)、クリエイティブ・センスアップ、マスター・クリエイティブプログラム リーダーのための"考働力"開発、ダイヤモンドセミナー(キャリア・マネジメントプログラム)、Performance Learning(R) ・・・当社商標セミナー:プログラム、考働力向上(OJT⇒OD M部下育成プログラム)、メンター&メンティー(組織活性化プログラム)、基礎ビジネス・マネジメントマナー(基礎~応用まで)、セルフメンタリングプログラム、脳活性思考開発10 00本ノック 他 主な評価 *すべてお客様のご納得頂くまでお付き合いさせて頂いております。 コンピテンシーアセスメント、360度評価、人事考課、人材育成プログラム体系、経営者思考分析、 組織力(マネジメント力、チーム力、指導力など)、ストレス、メンタル、ハラスメント、企業倫理など ●著作物 ※著作物には調査報告書・教材・ソフト開発(単著・共著・分担)を含みます。グローバルプロフェッショナル人財教育、プロフェッショナルマネジメント教本 ,個人情報保護 法/コンプライアンス教材&e-learningコンテンツ ,緑内障e-learningコンテンツ、循環器系基礎テキスト及びe-learningコンテンツ 、各領域別e-learningコンテンツ.MR試験対策問題, MACH(マイクロソフトアカデミーカレッジハイヤー)プログラム開発 .360度評価と人間力強化リーダーシップ研修プログラム(web-learning).メンタルタフネス力(web-learning),360 度評価システム開発(WEBシステム),ストレスマネジメント講座(WEB−learning) ,ハラスメント・マネジメント講座,実践リーダーシップ・自己革新 アジア人材選抜リーダー版 (English/Japanese),チーム力を図る(WEBシステム),※Performance Learning®は当社商標です。経営的視点に基づく人材の成長・環境・本質に沿った経営プロセスマネジメント学 習法。




Science データを基に不可能を可能に近づける


You can grow up as much as you hold your head with worries.
Thinking about your worries could help your brain grow and give you the best answer faster.
Succeeded people will be seen by others.
Succeeded people have been able to make prompt decision in public because they have been
thinking with holding their heads in a place where no one else is looking. Please don't be afraid to think about your worries.

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